This week the trend is baseball

Thoughts on baseball, Apples Never Fall, Spotify queue, and new music.

This week the trend is baseball

Baseball is back. It's been back since March 28th, but now nearly two weeks into the season, it's really back.

There's such depth and nuance to baseball that's easy to overlook when all you see are the home runs and great plays. I just love its puzzle-like games within the game.

Baseball is also a sport so full of disappointment and heartbreak that only a few solid swings of the bat can make you a success. Hit the ball three out of 10 times and favor reigns down. It can be such a reflection of daily life in that way.

Baseball is back and that means summer is on its way.

Other things I’m thinking about this week

What started as a nibbling thought about Spotify's play queue turned into an article about why it's the best. TL;DR: I love how it facilitates music discovery.


Maggie Rogers - "If Now Was Then"

Diana Birch - "Moto Moon"

Lapsley - "Angeles"


The Night Manager (BBC) is getting a second and third season! The mini-series is based on the John Le Carré book.

Here's the trailer for the new Apple TV+ show Dark Matter based on the book by Blake Crouch.

I started and finished Apples Never Fall (Peacock) this week. In a lot of ways, it was a little contrived and formulaic with each episode focusing on a character, culminating in the uncovering of the murder mystery. Despite its constant cliffhangers and a tiny bit of filler, I thought its payoff was more than worth the investment. To top it off, Annette Bening's acting stole the show.

As a side note, I always appreciated how Netflix releases all the episodes of its shows simultaneously. But as more streaming services go the way of weekly releases, I'm finding myself even more drawn to any binge-able show. Apples Never Fall was easy to get sucked in because all of its episodes were ready to go.

The same is true for 3 Body Problem. I stuck with that show and finished it because the episodes were there.

Next up: Ripley (Netflix).