This week the trend is Sugar

Thoughts on Sugar, Hacks, Wallows, and Sonos Ace.

This week the trend is Sugar

This week the trend is the Apple TV+ show Sugar. It’s a fascinating show that’s not quite like anything out there right now. It’s definitely worth watching, but you should know as little about the detective drama as possible before going in. So, if you’ve seen it, keep reading. But if you haven’t started it and want to, then go watch it and then read this after.

The twist that John Sugar is an alien is a big one, but seemingly not without warning for those paying attention. I actually suspected he was a robot or AI initially, rather than an alien, because of some of the clues. For one, I thought the inter-stitched movie clips telegraphed that those were his training data. For another, the intro credits seemed like AI generated graphics. After I started reading some forum theories those introduced the alien possibility. It did seem pretty clear that the character may not be who he seemed to be. I turned out to be wrong about him being an AI, but the alien twist was less of a shock for that reason.

I kept waiting for the other shoe to drop. When it finally did, it gave the show a second wind that it probably needed.

Ultimately, the first season of Sugar was interesting enough, probably because of its 30-minute episodes, to get to the twist, and then compelling enough with the new information to make it to the finish line. I don’t think I would have been into the show if it had been the straightforward detective show it started as. I also don’t think I would have been as into it if the alien plot line was revealed at the start. But in mixing the sci-fi and detective genres, the show had a unique and interesting flavor.

The show is weird gem that’s worth the time.

Other things I’m thinking about this week

Hacks is dropping its the final episode now, in case you’ve been waiting to binge it. The show continues to be one of the best comedies around. The chemistry between the characters is great. The stakes for them are important and feel grounded, even in a Hollywood sense. And now, in the volatile media industry, it seems like it’s survived for at least one more season.


Wolfs, with George Clooney and Brad Pitt, looks good.


Make sure to add the new Wallows album to your library. While you’re at it you can add the new Leif Vollebekk song, “Moondog.”